Tag Archives: air conditioning

Energize Your RV Batteries and Get Prescriptions on the Road

RV advice from February's Mark My Words

Hi Mark My Words readers! This month, we’ve got questions on batteries, prescriptions, dripping air conditioners and getting your mail on the road. Remember to send your RVing questions to [email protected]. Hi Mark, We have had a Renegade Villaggio since 2015. The house battery was replaced in 2016 because it was not holding a charge. Now,

Air Conditioning Tips

AIR CONDITIONING: 1. Your Air Conditioner is designed for a 20 degree temperature drop. If it is 100 degrees outside, the best your air conditioner can do is 80 F degree in the best of circumstances. 2. Clean your air filters weekly, or sooner if needed. 3. Annually perform the needed preventive maintenance, clean the