Tag Archives: Forest Service

Travel Management Plans will change forever how you use the national forests and BLM land

By Bob Difley As many of you boondockers know by now, the National Forest Service (FS) is in the process of implementing their new Travel Management Plans (TMP) throughtout the nation’s forests. These new rules, once approved by each individual forest, will apply to everyone who uses a national forest for driving and camping, designating which

Forest Service's new Travel Management Plans restrict driving in national forests

By Bob Difley After five years of work with local authorities and recreational providers, the supervisors of the various national forests are finishing off their mandated Travel Management Plans (TMP) that will designate where you can drive in their forest. Many of the forests have already published and implemented their TMP and others are being

New forest service rules will affect boondocking

By Bob Difley Beginning a few years ago the Forest Service began developing restrictions for users of the forests, including hunters, users of off-road vehicles, and campers. The new plan was titled The Travel Management Plan (TMP) and would be undertaken by the management of each individual forest to define their forest service roads that

The Zen of Boondocking Part IX – How to find boondocking campsites

By Bob Difley Just knowing that you can legally boondock almost anywhere on public lands, such as those managed by the forest service and BLM, as I wrote in last week’s post, does not tell you exactly how to find these dispersed campsites (meaning not within the confines of an organized campground). You won’t find