Tire Monitor Trouble - Good Sam Camping Blog

Tire Monitor Trouble

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September 24, 2012

tire pressureWhen Good Sam Life members Robert and Marie Brooke of Newberry, Michigan, had trouble with their new tire-pressure monitoring system, they turned to Action Line for help:

We purchased the Tire-SafeGuard on January 12, 2012. On our trip in April, we had problems with it picking up the readings on the car. We called the 800 number, and a man said he would call back. He did not. On May 7, we talked with this same man, named Deon. He said he would send us a free replacement sensor. We did not receive it. We sent an email to the company to have them check the order. They said Deon was having personal problems, and they would send the sensor out that week. That was on May 21. We sent them another email on May 29 stating we still had not received the sensor or a call from Deon. We told them at that time that if nothing was done about this we would contact Good Sam Action Line. They said the sensor would be sent. It is now June 27, and we still have no sensor and no email or call from this company. We would like to either receive the replacement sensor or a refund of the total spent on this system, which was $507. We feel that this company does not stand behind its product or its warranty of two years.

After Action Line contacted HCI Corporation, maker of the Tire-SafeGuard, Robert and Marie Brooks sent Good Sam the following email:

We received a phone call from Deon on July 2. He sincerely apologized and promised to send the sensor. We received it today, July 9. It was too bad that it had to go this far, but it is resolved now. We thank Good Sam Action Line for the help.

 Since 1981, the Good Sam Club’s Action Line has helped resolve thousands of disputes between members and businesses. If you have an RV-related consumer issue and would like assistance, contact Action Line.

Note: An incorrect image of the TireMinder Tire Monitoring System was featured with this article in the October CyberSam. We have now updated the image to show the Tire-SafeGuard Tire Monitoring System . We apologize for any confusion this may have caused.

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  1. Don Hall

    We also have a Tire Minder from Minder Research, Inc, that we purchased last year from Camping World to monitor six tires on our 30 foot motorhome. This purchase was more economical than the one mentioned in the article. We use it to check tire pressure and temperature before and during our travels. The people at Tire Minder were very responsive when we needed help setting the system up. One thing people may not know about is the monitor battery replacement program. Call them for information at: (772) 463-6522.

  2. Peter R

    I recently bought a Tire Minder for our 40 foot diesel pusher. I had a little problem with getting a intermitten signal from the back tires. I called the Tire Minder company and they suggested a signal repeater. The company sent the repeater in a couple of days and I installed it for a excellent fix and good working results..
    The service was good and fast from the company. I like the confidence of knowing right away if a tire is leaking or overheating———-I think this could be a life saver.

  3. As I stop to fill-up I chech air in tires, oil, coolant, and do a walk around to check camper and a chance for me to wake up alittle. It’s good practice.

  4. Clark Messex

    In re. tire monitors: I bought mine at Quartzsite and they were most co-operative in dealing with my difficulties. It is also worth noting that the system has “saved” me once since I started using it and I consider it to be money well spent.



  6. Fred Ouellette

    Why do fuel companies stop the gas pump when it reaches $90-$125.00?
    I talked with my Master Card and they told me it is not Master Card but the fuel companies.