Tag Archives: West Virginia

Rafters navigate the rapids in Glen Canyon, Colorado.

9 Destinations for Fast and Furious Whitewater Adventure

Pick up the paddle and prepare for fast and furious whitewater rapids. Find RV parks near exciting water destinations on Good Sam’s Boating Fun page. Fed by the this year’s unusually heavy spring thaw, several North American rivers are enjoying larger-than-average volume. For whitewater rafters and kayakers, the robust currents mean faster water and more

New River Gorge National River Receives Flagship RV Park

The National Park Service (NPS) is constructing a new flagship campground with power and water hookups and drive-in sites for recreational vehicles at the southern end of the New River Gorge National River. The new Meadow Creek Campground is located on the banks of the New River about two miles downstream of the Sandstone Visitor

Gr8LakesCamper: Ground Rules

Midwest Living magazine, one of my very favorite magazines, came out with their picks for the best state parks in the Midwest. The magazine’s May/June 2010 issue features 36 of the best state parks in Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska and Kansas. I plan on highlighting some