synthetic oil Archives - Good Sam Camping Blog

Tag Archives: synthetic oil

Synthetic Motor Oil

Getting the Skinny on Synthetic Motor Oil

The use of synthetic motor oil compared to the general petroleum type has been the center of many discussions throughout the years. While there have always been two sides, each favoring their choice, there is no question that synthetic oil is superior.  However, is that superiority a needed benefit in a motorhome application, and can the

Is Synthetic Oil Worth The Money?

Will that be regular motor oil or synthetic?   Whether you tow a trailer, 5th wheel, or have a motorized recreational vehicle, you have seen the synthetic oil hype.  Is synthetic oil worth the extra money or is it just snake oil? First of all, synthetic may be a little misleading.  So called “Synthetic oil” is

Is Synthetic Engine Oil Worth The Buck$?

The need or value of using synthetic engine oils has been a controversy for nearly as long as they have been available. Originally they were wanted solely for their duration and ability to extend the need for an oil change by double or more.  Rumor has it, that when Mobile 1 came on the market, General