Tag Archives: University of Arizona

RV travel to Biosphere

Exploring Biosphere 2 Near Tucson, Arizona

RV travel encourages a self-sustaining lifestyle — but nothing compares to Biosphere 2. Biosphere 2, in Oracle, Arizona, is one of the most remarkable structures ever built. One of the largest greenhouses in the world, the 3.14-acre complex houses living organisms from five environments, also called biomes. These enclosed environments include a rain forest, ocean, wetlands, savannah and desert. More

Tucson's only downtown RV Park

Tucson’s Only Downtown RV Park Welcomes You!

Welcome to Tucson’s newest RV park! At Sentinel Peak RV Park, you and your family can experience the best Tucson, Arizona, has to offer. More than 300 restaurants, shops and attractions are within three minutes of the park, providing you unmatched access to arts, culture and entertainment for your stay. Explore Tucson via light rail right from our park

Tuzigoot National Monument

Pueblo ruins dot the Verde Valley in central Arizona; remnants of the Sinagua people from the time period between 1100 and 1450 AD. Recently, a visit to one of the largest and best preserved of these – Tuzigoot National Monument – was made by Larry and Lee Ann and their experience is documented in their