One of the beautiful place you can visit in Ontario is definitively Prince Edward County. The place is renowned for its sand dunes but there is more to this region that you can imagine. Prince Edward County is located in Southern Ontario at the eastern end of Lake Ontario. It is an island community less than 270 square miles with more than 500 square miles of shoreline. Over 100,000 visitors visit this region of Ontario every year.
The most popular attraction is Sandbanks Provincial Park which attracts most of the visitors. Sandbanks Provincial Park also organized explorations for their visitors. We went to an exploration to see what kind of plants and bugs we could find in the area when we were there a few years ago. However, as I mentioned above, there is more to this area. If you take the time to explore the country roads you will come through historic towns and villages, farms and vineyards, artists’ studios and antique shops which are located along the shorelines. The mild climate found in the part of the province helped to establish over 34 wineries and in more recent years some of the top culinary destination.
One of the place my husband particularly loved when we explored the area was the County Cider Company Estate Winery has a tasting room and a fabulous panoramic view of the area. We really enjoyed the cider from this place as well as the spectacular view. But we didn’t stop there as there was so many other fabulous places to discover in that area. Another place we visited and loved was the Black Creek Cheese company which has delightful cheese that my husband highly recommend. There are also numerous culinary adventures that you can do in this area. You can attend the Canadian Cheese Festival which will allow you to explore the products of cheesemakers from P.E.I. to Vancouver Island. You can embark on a mouth-watering explora
tion with the Taste Trail which will open you sense to gastronomic delights, wines and fresh local products. As we explored the place, we stumbled on a mini-outdoor food market with a wide variety of tomatoes. I had never seen so many tomatoes in my life – all shapes and colors were displayed on the tables. It was a feast for the eyes and it was marvelous to see.
You can also participate to some of the festivals they have through the season. In May, you can attend the Spring Birding Festival which is celebrated at Prince Edward Point Bird Observatory. They have week-end activities which include workshops on birding, insects, wildflowers and photography. You can also decide to go to the Terroir which is a wine celebration in the various wineries you could find in the country. In June, you can attend the Quite’s Isle Bluegrass Celebration , the Show ’n Shine Classic Car Show, the Quinte Flywheels Antique Equipment Show, and the Quilt Show. Throughout the summer you will also have the opportunity to discover local artists at various events.
From Prince Edward County, you can easily drive to explore more by visiting the National Air Force Museum of Canada in Trenton, ON or going to the Big Apple in Colborne, ON which is a marvelous place to explore with the kids and discover a variety of products made of apples!
If you are interested in exploring a marvelous part of Ontario this year, I strongly suggest that you consider Prince Edward County where you will be able to expand you taste in wines, food and more. Take the time to explore the Visitor’s Guide of Prince Edward County before coming.