Tag Archives: Tornado

RV Driving in Adverse Weather Conditions (Part 2 of 2)

Last week we looked at driving in adverse weather, that most have encountered at one time or another.  Today we will discuss the chance encounter of coming face to face with a real severe weather event, a tornado.  (Link to last week’s part 1: http://blog.rv.net/2009/11/rv-driving-in-adverse-weather-conditions-part-1-of-2/ ) Tornados, as we know them today, are one of the

RV Driving in Adverse Weather Conditions (Part 1 of 2)

Even though most RV’s will never see winter weather while travelling, they are exposed periodically to bad and possibly violent weather.  High gusting winds, torrential rains, driving hail and thunderous lightning bolts have all been experienced at one time by many of us.  The fear of visible or embedded tornados and like-cyclonic disturbances is real