Tag Archives: RV vacation

How To: A Luxury Vacation in an RV

Carmen and her family were able to spend some time having a luxury vacation in beautiful Hilton Head, South Carolina, their experience proved to them that they can get everything they want in a luxury trip while renting an RV. Watch the family’s adventure below.   What defines a luxury vacation? Let’s face it, free

Off-Season RV Camping

Off-season RV camping can offer advantages and great rewards with few drawbacks.  The need to make reservations for campsites in advance may not be necessary. This allows you to stay where and for how long you desire without worrying about schedules.  Some premium water-view campsites normally impossible to get may well be easily attainable.  All

RVing to Mount Rushmore

Several years ago, we traveled to Mount Rushmore on one of our extended summer RV trips. It was a memorable experience for all, including our two teen-aged children, who were 13 and 14 at the time. Our ultimate destination was Yellowstone National Park, but we made a point to stop and spend a night in