Family Friendly RV: 2011 Gulf Stream Canyon Trail 32FRBW

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October 23, 2010

2011 Gulf Stream CANYON TRAIL 32FRBW

Previously $ 48,256 – Now $33,995

32 ft. 2011 Gulf Stream Canyon Trail 32FRBW family friendly fifth wheel capable of sleeping 6! Features include cherry wood décor, three slides, rear electric jacks and much more! Offered by Easy Camping RV in Nevada, IA. Email seller for details on this 2011 Gulf Stream CANYON TRAIL 32FRBW!

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  1. mike

    This is not the best place to ask questions, try However, the best way to store a battery, when you cant stay conected to shore power is to keep it on a maintenance or trickle charger in the garage. Do notcharge the battery in an enclosed area as the fumes are explosive.


  2. Could someone give me the appropriate manner in which to store a trailer in Florida? I would especially like to know how to take care of the battery when an alternate source for electricity (house plug in) many not be available. If I store the trailer at a RV storage site, how do I take care of the battery correctly in order that it does not go bad while in storage?