We want to make you aware of action that is taking place in Congress which could have significant financial impact upon you directly.
The Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction (“Super Committee”) is a bipartisan committee that was formed to address reducing the national deficit. Their negotiations are confidential, but we at Good Sam have just learned that they may be considering eliminating the second home mortgage interest deduction we currently can claim on our RVs.
Though we respect their overall mission, elimination of this important tax deduction would result in severe negative economic impact for Good Sam members and upon the jobs that are created and sustained by the RV industry.
It’s vitally important that we, as RV owners and voting constituents, make our voices heard and let our legislators know that we do not want our second home mortgage interest deduction eliminated. And we must do it now, because the deadline for the Super Committee to vote on their plan for deficit reduction is November 23.
You can help. We ask you to click the “Take Action” link below which will take you to the RVACT website. Once you are on the website, you will find everything you need to take action on this issue. After personalizing the template letter you will be asked to enter your address. The system will use this address to automatically send the letter to your Representative and Senators without you having to know the names of your members of Congress and without you leaving the RVACT website.
Please contact your members of Congress NOW. The Super Committee meets on Friday, November 18, and we need to make ourselves heard prior to that date.
It will effect the boating industry/users in a major way also. Many voices speak considerably louder than one. How can a joint effort be made?
We need to kick all these Idiot elected officials out of office all they are interested in is lining there own pockects cut there pay back down to 100 thousand and make them pay for there own medical also.
I am depending on this second mortgage interest that was one of our decision makers for us
To all,
I apologize for this message ending up here. I didn’t realize my “Speak Your Mind” comment was still in this area. I wanted it ot posted for the general public.
Karen and I have recenlty spent a few days on the road just to get away for a bit and do a little relaxing. Although we try to stay at campgrounds within our national forest system, periodically we find ourselves at local lakes, campgrounds or forest. During our few day trip, we found ourselves at Lake Pleasant Regional Park in Maricopa County Arizona. As we had previously visited, we camped along the shoreline and were able to enjoy sunrise over the water and nightly views of the moon and stars. What disturbs us is the amount of trash comming into shore from the lake and along the parking area and open camping areas. During our walks, we filled a couple bags with trash, some that had been there for a while and some obvious most recent. My concern is that I believe, we the general public have concerns of cost for the usage of these parks and don’t do our own part in helping with maintenance of them which is actually our responsibility. It is not the parks responsibility to pick up after us. As a long time camping family, I ask everyone to pleae pack out what you pack in and take an additional step and pick up what you see along your way.
Thaks for listening, Be Safe