I don’t know if this is my most favorite memory but it’s unforgettable. Traded in my 31′ class C gulfstream for a 37’class A. Great. Go to CT. to pick it up and am traveling to the Bridgeport ferry back to Long Island. The RV is only 3 hours old for me. Well the train bridge that I went under many times before with my class C didn’t work. I ripped off my rear A/C clear off the roof. My heart sank. And yes, it started to rain.
Disappointed and depressed I brought it to the Gulfstram dealer on Long Island and put a claim in with my insurance carrier. Two weeks later I go to pick it up in a very tight yard of the dealer…and I don’t see the two foot high deck in the way…Yes my rear panel was smashed above and behind the wheel well. I backed it up, looked, cried, and handed him the keys and said call me when it’s done. Then cried some more.
Since then we have enjoyed 6 years of good memories. But every time I look at my air conditioner…well you fill in the blank.
Submitted by Bob Schiano of Smithtown, NY as a part of the RV Centennial Celebration “Share Your Favorite RV Memory” contest.
Do you have a favorite RVing or camping memory you’d like to share? Submit your favorite memory here!