Well, the show is over, the booths are closed and the weary sales reps are packing their roll on bags and preparing for the trip home. All in all, the prevailing attitude seemed to be that the worst is over the long climb back to a vibrant RV industry has begun. Most vendors and manufacturers are willing to acknowledge unticks in sales and production. Several new RV models were unveiled from the likes of Fleetwood and Tiffin, along with a couple of new chassis models from Spartan and Freightliner. Attendance at the show was respectable and RV industry economists are forecasting modest sales growth next year assuming there are no major shakeups in the economy.
One thing we will be seeing in the near future will be new ads from the RVIA in the “go RVing” model.
There was one very unique RV model featured at the show the likes of which I had never seen. Not being an ice fisherman I was not aware of this, or it is new, I’m not certain which. I thought this was worth looking at to show the range of options open to RVers.

Salem Ice Cabin
This is the Salem Ice Cabin. As you can see from the next photo, the plan is to tow this RV onto the frozen lake, and then lower it down onto the ice to facilitate a comfortable winter fishing trip.

Lower the tires
The tires stow safely out of the way.

stowed tires
As does the two hitch.

the hitch is stowed
Let the fishing fun begin!

ready for fishing
This is a closeup of the holes in the RV floor which are used to fish through.

fishing access hole
Obviously the Ice Cabin is a specialty RV which is designed to appeal to a unique group. It does show that to some extent the RV market may be improving such that a limited appeal RV can be produced with a reasonable chance for success.
Stay tuned as we continue our journey through the RVIA show. More next time.
i think its very neet. i live in tx but i think its neet. i love the the out doors and anything they make to help its neet . so keep up the good work.