RV Cooking Show - Fallingwater and Chicken Marsala - Good Sam Camping Blog

RV Cooking Show – Fallingwater and Chicken Marsala

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June 19, 2008

Speechless is not the word that comes to mind when my friends think of me but that’s exactly what I was when I stepped inside Frank Lloyd Wright‘s Fallingwater. This spectacular house, commissioned by Edgar J. Kaufmann, Sr. of Kaufmann’s department stores (now Macy’s) is an architectural gem – a must-see. But sadly, lots of RVers don’t because it’s a bit out of the way in SW Pennsylvania – Mill Run to be exact. Get a taste of the sheer natural beauty and Wright’s ingenious organic architecture in this episode of the RV Cooking Show…perhaps it’ll prompt you to visit the house, too!

Once we’ve sampled Fallingwater we’ll retire to my Tango RV kitchen to prepare a dish fit for company (or to treat yourself!!) – chicken marsala. Although it sounds fancy – and tastes that way, too – you’ll discover just how fast and delicious it is. With just a few quick steps and basic ingredients you’ll have a fabulous dish on the table in no time. Watch the video below for a view of the spectacular Fallingwater house and to learn how to cook this Fabulous Chicken Marsala recipe.

If you think you would enjoy the Fabulous Chicken Marsala print out the recipe from the RV Cooking Show. Let me know what you think – I always love to hear from you!

Thanks for watching and I’ll see you online!!


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