Check out these highlights of RV-related news, events and video from this past week.
1. RV Tales from the Road on the PGA Tour: The Petrovic family is one of a handful of PGA tour pros who travel the circuit in an RV. Tim Petrovic (ranked 3rd this week heading into the 36-hole John Deere Classic), his wife and two daughters have been traveling in an RV from tournament to tournament since 10-year-old Bayleigh was just a baby. Wife Julie and the girls come along so they can all spend more quality time as a family.
2. Full-timers Try Campground Hosting this Summer: Full-time RVers Lynne & Bill Stout have been on the road so long their driver’s licenses state “continuous traveller”. But this summer they decided to try something new by volunteering as campground hosts in Alsea, OR.
3. Are U Haul Rental Trailers/Companies Safe?: Expert RV maintenance blogger Mark Polk discusses the importance of towing safety, especially in regards to renting a trailer/equipment in questionable condition. Read the post then comment about your experiences with trailer rentals.