We found so much to choose from in the form of family-friendly destinations in Greensboro. One of the best things that we did when we pulled into town was to stop at their spacious visitor’s center. The lobby has tons of brochures for local and regional attractions, and the staff made sure we picked up a 2014 vistors guide, which has pages of event and destination overviews. There are also pages of coupons in the back that offer discounts, like buy one get one free admissions to the Blandwood Mansion. Besides finding coupons to stops that we were already planning on going, by visiting the v.c. we were also able to ask a real live local, questions about the area and get the ‘insider’ scoop on the best places to see, do, and eat on this family camping trip! (tip – stop at v.c.s everywhere you go – the locals are the best for giving recommendations, and you will often find coupons for local attractions!)

We had intended on only spending 2 days in Greensboro, but there was so much we wanted to experience that we doubled that – and still left with things unseen!
One afternoon we spent at the Guilford Courthouse National Battlefield. This National Park is a beautiful acreage in a wooded setting just north of Greensboro. There is an engaging visitor’s center where you can watch a short film on how the battle played out, a 30 minute dramatization of the battle, visit the gift shop, and walk through a colorful and interesting museum filled with battlefield artifacts and informational exhibits.

You can also pick up Jr. Ranger programs for the kids if your family does them.
In the museum area of the v.c., we really enjoyed learning about some of the soldiers that were embattled here at Guilford Courthouse, like ‘Light-Horse’ Harry Lee, who would go on to become the father of Robert E. Lee! We also learned that while the battle’s outcome was considered a victory for the British, they suffered a 26% casualty rate, while it was only 6% for the Americans.
After our time in the visitor’s center, we headed outside to drive the 2 1/4 mile auto tour (you can purchase an accompanying audio tour in the gift shop).

The park grounds host 28 different memorials, and include miles of level walking paths. The drive is lovely and relaxing, and the kids enjoyed getting out to check out some of the memorials. Had we scheduled more time to be at the park, we could have easily walked the scenic wooded park instead of driving it.
After we completed our walk, the kids took their Jr. Ranger booklets back inside the visitor’s center and received badges for their work. It is a beautiful park to visit, and a great location to check out if you are a birder (we watched a hawk dive for, catch, and eat a mouse! 🙂 ). Even if you just want to drive through the park, stop by the v.c. and pick up a map so you’ll know what you are seeing – maps are available in a hang-box right next to the front doors if you are stopping by after hours.Guilford Courthouse is a great place to spend a few hours learning about our country’s heritage. The park is located near the Science Museum (which is a zoo, aquarium, and museum all wrapped up into one destination), and the two would complement each other and make for a satisfying tourist outing! Greensboro has so much to offer for families traveling through and camping nearby. You can search for local, family friendly RV campgrounds at the Good Sam Family Camping Directory. We were so glad we spent a little extra time exploring the area!