I received a question this week from one of my newsletter subscribers, “Can I copy my outlook contact list to my gmail contacts?” Since I recently wrote about Gmail on this blog, I figured I would answer this question here. My favorite way to answer questions is to show you. So, just click on the play button and sit back and watch.
Chris Guld
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Hello — I’m a new rver and very appreciative of all the info you have posted. I read your articles on email and gmail and immediately tried to sign-up for gmail. But it seems i can’t access it UNLESS i FULLY enable all cookie functions. Which I won’t do.
Do you know if there is some way to do this without fully enabling cookies? I DO enable some cookie functions — like first party and session cookies.
Thank you for your time,
Tom Hargreaves
Great way to move addresses about — and back them up (superb concept, that)!
A coupla thoughts: over the years I’ve found too many problems using comma separated values and have gone to using TAB seperated values whenever I can. It seems that I’ve had too many internal fields (values) that contained commas already and that confused the poor computer. This assumes that both exporting and importing programs understand tab separated values, of course. Another thought is that not all programs either import or export csv (or tsv) files with that as the file extension; some simply call them “.txt” files. I tend to include the info in the filename itself, e.g. “contacts tsv.txt”. This might be even more useful for those who still have “Hide extensions for known file types” enabled, or those using Macs (or has Apple started using extensions since the last time I looked?).
ANnyyway, thanks for the useful info, and keep it coming. There really ARE appreciative readers out here in the darkness!
Chris Guld
Yes! Thunderbird offers a way to export to a .csv file that is very similar to Outlook. See specific instructions on this About.com page
Jason B.
Very useful! Thank you for this. I wonder if this same thing will work with ThunderBird.