There is nothing as fun about RVing than driving off into the sunset to your next destination. Of course, that sunset sometimes goes down faster than you expect and it often results in making some last minute decisions. As convenient it is to boondock, if I had my choice I’d opt for the conveniences of an RV park. I’d also like one where I could use my Good Sam discount.

The ability to view what the campsites actually look like was my favorite feature. Seen here Circle Creek RV in Seaside, OR
That was exactly the problem I had on my summer road trip this summer. Heading south from Yellowstone I perfectly expected to reach Las Vegas in one day. Maybe that was too optimistic. I’m not the speeding college student in the little Honda Civic I used to be. At some point in the middle of UT (aka the middle of nowhere) I realized that the sun was going to beat me to my destination. I also started to yawn….badly. My spouse started to “kindly” nudge me that maybe driving through the desert late at night would not be a good idea.
It was at that point I happened upon a great idea. I had just recently installed the Good Sam Camping app. So we quickly looked up the local good sam parks and a couple of phone calls later we had lined up a nice riverside campsite for the night .
I was amazed at how easy the app was. While we were on a road far away from any town and even farther from any internet, we were still able to look up nearby campgrounds. Even better was the satellite view. While everyone likes to put on their best face in pictures, the satellite view gave as a new look at campgrounds. We even rejected one because from the satellite view we could tell it was about as paved as a Walmart parking lot.
Since that time we have found that we use the app for all our campground planning. While my friends like it on their iPhones, I am an Android fan, so I was excited to see that they had the app for both. The app looks the same so it made planning with friends easy.
You can download the app at the Apple iTunes store and the Google Play store today.