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Are you ready for the unexpected??

From the desk of Firedude

My last blog was regarding RV’ing/Full-timing and your health. This one is a spin off from that. In this blog I want to make sure potential full-timers and others are aware of unexpected and possible “hidden’ costs. It even drives home the point of pre-planning your full-timing and when you do your budgeting be sure to have some offset funds to provide for the unexpected. These unexpected things can put a dent in things as I have found out. It really applies to all RV’ers and not just full-timers. Those taking extended trips can be affected as well.

I had explained in my book about my medical encounters while Full-timing in regards to the tumor in my neck that had to be removed and my wife’s cancer all of which was overcame successfully thank God. I had a pretty good nest egg before all this and thankfully so as it helped defray the huge medical bills encounter. I can’t emphasize enough about planning and having the ability to adapt and overcome in the full-timing world since it is ever so dynamic and things can change in an instant just as they can living the conventional lifestyle. being on the road makes it even more important! Ca you handle such unexpected things on the road? you betcha you can as I’ve explained in my book.

Be prepared for the unexpected financial surprises. Have a plan. I was recently diagnosed with a form of skin cancer which will require surgery in a couple weeks. Just when I thought all was well too seeing we had beat all odds already. While in this economy financial planning can be difficult at very best. Be prepared as well as possible for those unknown and unexpected surprises. This recent setback happened just as I received word that after 6 years I finally got my permanent site on the coast for my anchor point. I darn near wasn’t able to do it and it has temporarily slung me into a financially hardship of sorts and definitely unexpected as were my other incidents, but also came at the holidays and the end of my so called nest egg. Hindsight is 20/20 eh?

In your planning run the scenarios through your head and try and have some sort of financial backup plan. It’s very important! Full-timing is great, but you must also realize there can be a side other than traveling, seeing the sites, and all fun. In any walk or style of life things can happen and we must be aware that these things can sneak up on us.

Before taking the big leap to the land of “Disneyland” (full-timing) be sure to plan and have the ability to adapt and overcome surprise issues or it can bring your adventures to a screeching halt! The more planning and financial planning the better. Even with my good health insurance it has suddenly become a burden. I explained how I handled the previous “emergencies” in my book. But this one snuck up on me and at the holidays to boot!

It’s not always medical or health. Other unexpected emergencies can arise such as major repairs, weather related emergencies ect so it is of utmost importance that you plan and research if you are about to make the leap into the world of full-timing or planning an extended trip. I look back now and in my dynamic excel budget worksheet and checklists included in my book need another column. “The unexpected”! Full-timing is a great and wonderful lifestyle and if you plan properly can be very rewarding and you can live with a more secure feeling with proper planning. Don’t jump over the side of the boat without a life preserver! My 6 years on the road as my book shows has been a great adventure full of humor, but also has it’s pitfalls like every walk of life so you need to be prepared as much as you possibly can be. Can you over plan financially? Not in my thoughts, but you do the beast you can especially in this day and age. Ask yourself the $65K question. Am I ready for the unexpected? Well at least try to be. to think age is a factor is a factor is a very big misnomer! Look at what we’ve encountered in the mid 50’s! I always gear that adage that oh I’m in my 50’s so I don’t have to worry for years yet. Actually after my 33 year career i can tell you that between the ages of 50 and 60 are the most prone years for things that can wrong health wise. Not saying it will of course, but please be prepared. it will make your life much easier and happier.

I see so many take the leap to full-timing without much thought of researching and planning and just see the thrills of it all. there is another side, the serious side. one you want to have covered. 😉

Feel free to post your ideas and unexpected experiences so that it just may help others in their planning to full-time or take an extended trip.

Everyone have a wonderful and safe holidays!


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