UPDATED 8/12/2010
Here’s a disturbing news story that has direct implications for those of us who RV camp. Anyone RV camping right now should be alert! This especially applies to those of us who are currently in the Western states.
On July 30, three male convicts escaped from an Arizona State Prison. Their female accomplice tossed them a pair of wire cutters over a perimeter fence.
Since the escape, TWO males have been apprehended. But the third and his female accomplice are STILL AT LARGE. They have been on an apparent crime spree — and they are frequenting campgrounds and truck stops!
Authorities are still searching for John Charles McCluskey, 45, and his accomplice, 43-year old Casslyn Welch. McCluskey was serving a 15-year prison term for attempted second-degree murder, aggravated assault and discharge of a firearm.
- John Charles McCluskey
- Casslyn Welch
- Full body shot of McCluskey .
- Gary & Linda Haas
- Tracy Province (NOW IN CUSTODY)
Tracy Province, 42, was captured about 40 miles outside of Yellowstone National Park.
Tragically, officials believe the escapees murdered an RVing couple in New Mexico. The badly burned skeletal remains of Oklahomans Linda and Gary Haas, both 61, were found in a charred camper on on a remote ranch. A truck (the tow vehicle) belonging to the couple was found 100 miles west of the crime scene. The Oklahoma couple were traveling on a camping trip to Colorado.
Since the murders, the criminals have been covering large expanses of ground. Some speculate they are headed for Canada. It’s said that they have been stopping at campgrounds and truck stops (Love’s, Flying J, etc.). They were once believed to be in the wilderness of YELLOWSTONE National Park, near the Wyoming / Montana border. But more recently, it was speculated that McCluskey & Welch may be in ARKANSAS (Welch’s motherlives in Arkansas). A U.S. Marshall has stated that these two really could be anywhere in the United States, from Ohio to Texas.
The escapees may be using a 1997 platinum gold Nissan Sentra with Arizona license plate 620PFV.
Thomas Henman with the U.S. Marshals Service said the group should be considered “extremely dangerous,” and urged the public to be very careful if they spot them and call authorities immediately.
If you see the escapees or have information about their location or activities, you are encouraged to call your local police or the AZ Kingman Escapees Task Force at 602-542-1212.
DO NOT approach these individuals. “They’re desperate. One of them was more than likely responsible for the death of the elderly couple, and it could happen again,” U.S. Marshall Fidencio Rivera said.
They also have little in the way of wilderness survival skills — which means they will grow more desperate and dangerous every day.
A $40,000 reward has been offered for information leading to their capture. Further information will be provided as it becomes available.
While this is certainly not our usual fare here on RV.net, the sooner these criminals are apprehended, the better. Everyone camping right now should be especially vigilant. Remember, these two have already preyed upon one RVing couple and they may look for more victims. Stay safe, everyone!
For happier RV camping topics, check out our website, where we now have DVDs for your enjoyment: LONGLONGHONEYMOON.COM
Suicase Generator
I hope this soul less people get captured! God Bless the souls of the victims.
Sean Michael
The latest news is that the escapees may be in ARKANSAS. This morning a store was robbed in Gentry, Arkansas by a couple matching the description of McCluskey & Welch.
Note that authorities believe the two have changed their appearance. They think McCluskey has dyed his hair black, while Welch has dyed hers blonde.
This underscores the need for vigilance throughout the country. These two are covering a lot of ground, and nobody really knows where they are headed.
Kathy N
I would like to remind campers to always be vigilant about their campground. Just recently my husband and I were snowbirding in Florida, when the Class A rv a few sites down, had erupted into a FIRST class screaming domestic match. The other campers and I had called 911. You never know what is going on in another person’s ‘house’ and it goes to show what I have said in other blogs, ‘we camper see and hear more than we think’ So don’t be afraid to contact law enforcement, cuz the situation could have been much worse if everyone turned a blind eye. I think a fire arm is a good idea to a point, as it could easily turn on you too.
Also, what is the update on the Alberta, Canada couple, any news???
It is incumbent upon each of us to be responsible for our own safety. It has never been, nor is it now, the responsibility for police depts to be responsible for individuals safety the bleatings of police chiefs and politicians not witstanding.
In my motorhome I carry both a handgun and a long gun. his is my domicile, moving or stationary. To the gentler souls among us to whom carrying a firearm is not the answer I say God bless you and find what works for you.
For those of you that are armed if you havent done so please switch to frangible ammo. It is more expensive but if you miss your target it will shatter upon striking the first solid object.
In closing, God bless you everyone and how about an update on that missing couple in Canada.
Sean Michael
According to the Haas’s only daughter, her parents were carrying several guns.
Her parents “had several handguns with them,” she said, “probably one or two in the truck” as well as others in the camping trailer. No guns were found in the truck when it was recovered, and the escapee captured Monday had a 9 mm. “My dad had a 9 mm,” she said.
I agree with the points about carrying guns for protection — just make sure that YOU, and not your assailants, have access to your guns. From the available facts, it seems likely (but not yet confirmed) that the Haas’s own guns were used against them.
Still no word on the remaining two convicts.
I was unaware you were allowed to posess them in Canada. (hand guns)
I THINK and ONLY THINK you are allowed a long gun in the states, NOTE: in your MH, TT or tow vehichle unloaded only while moving. When stopped for the night your MH or TT becomes your domicile(house) and you are legal with a loaded weapon inside. This is the way it is for residents of the states that are legally allowed to a firearm.
Robert / retired badge
I feel your discomfort. It seems universal. We are heading to Canada this week and are facing similar constraints. NOT a good feeling I must say.
Wow….guess I never thought about it when camping before, BUT I think I’ll start carrying my Glock with me & have my wife carry her 357 when we go camping! Never hurts to be prepared…..I guess!
Thanks for the heads up, the world just ain’t what it used to be. For the record, I always carry a firearm when camping, I’m licensed and know how and would not hesitate to use it.
About 18years ago a “transit driver” from Elkhart IN was delivering motorhomes for local manufacturers. A friendly sort, he rather carelessly picked up hitch hikers and anyone who “was going his way”. Lonely trips, you know. He was delivering motorhomes for local manufacturers. A friendly sort, (and truly a congenial ‘nice guy) rather carelessly picked up hitch hikers and anyone who “was going his way”. This was reported to the police by his wife when he came up missing. Lonely trips, you know. He and the motorhome disappeared. He was ultimately found murdered somewhere out West. I don’t recall what happened to the motorhome, or if it was ever found.
Any assistance I would ever offer would be a call to 911 or similar to anyone approaching my motorhome, all the while with my 38 revolver with plus P frangelable ammo tucked under my thigh (as I talked out the window). He was ultimately found murdered somewhere out West. I don’t recall what happened to the motorhome, or if it was ever found.
Any assistance I would ever offer SOMETIMES would be a call to 911 or similar to anyone approaching my motorhome, all the while with my 38 revolver with plus P frangible ammo tucked under my thigh (as I talked out the window).
The only time I was ever approached was in a rest area in Michigan on US131 in the dead of night, really dark. Some disheveled looking individual came up and rapped on my window, asking
for “gas money”. He in a fairly late model caprice and me in a 8-9 MPG gas hog. I turned to my wife and said “dial 911’ in a voice he could hear very well. I winked at my wife to indicate this was a ruse, but –wow!-did he ever beat feet back to his car and exit the rest area.
Oh, and by the way “Tex”. With the proliferation. and range of dialogue on this post, to what kind of “help” do you allude to requiring. It IS an alert blog complete with anecdotal instances illustrating varying dangerous scenarios of travelers and some members means of dealing with same.
Looks pretty straight forward to me.
Speaking of firearms, just make sure your firearm discharges before the persona-non-grata has any chance of disarming you. It’d be hell to be capped with your own piece. Even a non-lethal shot over their shoulder adjacent to their head will normally deter the most determined ‘bad guy’. The muzzle blast , heat, powder residue and noise cad be awesome. Just quickly take time to see what you MIGHT hit.
Thank you, Kristy, for clarifying. Bless your heart for bringing this alert to our attention. Keep us updated as this sad event unfolds. Meanwhile, we’ll pray for the poor, innocent souls who were in the wrong place.
God bless ’em,
Kristy Michael
This post was created to alert RVers in the Yellowstone area of two dangerous convicts on the loose. The focus is simply to make folks aware of a bad situation that they may encounter in the western United States. Knowledge is power, and we just want everyone to stay safe.
OK, what’s the focus of this thread? Is it an “Alert” or is it relating the dangers of boondocking at FJ’s, and so on, or is it about defensive firearms or other defensive measures? Help, please, since I have thoughts on all of that.
Sean Michael
The last “known” location of of the duo at large is Yellowstone National Park, along the Wyoming/Montana border. However, note that these guys traversed across several states in a matter of days. It’s quite possible that they could be anywhere in the region.
I agree with the comments about firearms. With that said, I’ve read online (but not yet confirmed by authorities) that the Haas were both registered to carry concealed weapons. At this point, who knows what happened? It’s possible that their own firearms were used against them.
When Province was apprehended he was carrying a 9mm handgun. It will be interesting to learn how he obtained it.
I guess my point with regard to firearms is simply that possessing one is a first step; you also need to be prepared and willing to use it when the bad guys arrive.
I am a retired Canadian peace officer and often rv in the States. I regret that we are not permitted to possess firearms in the USA, especially that our license plates identify us as folks who are unarmed. I have witnessed one shooting incident and another male chasing a female from a motel with a firearm while camping in the States. I would feel much safer, with my background, if I were permitted to carry a defensive firearm during my travels, especially when everyone else can, such as in Florida.
I say carry a gun and know how to use it. Get a license. Go to the range at least every other week and shoot your weapon. Get good with it. If you meet up with someone like this you need to defend yourself on instinct. You’ll be too scared to think. When you are out on the road in some rest area or boondocking in some remote area calling 911 is not the solution.
I know it is scary to think like this in today’s America (where only criminals have guns) but those are the facts of life. If you are out alone (or with your family) and meet up with someone like this calling 911 is not going to save your life. It is a you vs them scenario. If you don’t win you won’t be around to tell the police what happened.
We’re not talking robbery here, we’re talking life or death.
I is thought the the last one and the female accomplice are now in Montana
Sean Michael
BREAKING NEWS: They caught ONE of the fugitives this morning! The younger guy (Province) is in custody.
The older guy, McCluskey, and his female accomplice are still on the loose.
“Tracy Province, 42, was arrested at 6:20 a.m. by U.S. Marshals and the Yellowstone County Sheriff’s Department after being spotted walking through the town.
At the time of his arrest, Province was carrying a hitchhiking sign with “Casper” written on it.
He was also found with a handgun.
The U.S. Marshals Service said that after being apprehended, Province said he was relieved he was caught.
Meanwhile officials in Grand Teton National Park north of Jackson Hole, Wyo. and Yellowstone National Park were looking for murderer John Charles McCluskey, who escaped with Province from an Arizona prison on July 30, according to Lt. Tom Kelly of the Wyoming State Patrol.
Kelly, the Wyoming Highway Patrol supervisor in Jackson Hole, said his troopers are on the lookout for three possible vehicles – one with Colorado plates, one with Arizona plates and the third which has no plates.
He said rangers in both national parks are looking for McCluskey.”
We drove from New York state west to New Mexico to spend the 4th of July at Pecos National Park. We had a beautiful time. We also stopped at that RV-friendly Love’s in Santa Rosa, before taking Route 84 north from Interstate 40 to Interstate 25 near Las Vegas, New Mexico. If the Haas couple stopped there on their trip perhaps there is video surveillance of them. Please go carefully, but do enjoy your trip!
Sean Michael
Gary, that’s very possible. Police are saying that the fugitives are frequenting truck stops (like Love’s, Flying J, etc.) and campgrounds. They also say these fugitives are the most dangerous type of criminal — they are are on a SPREE, and seemingly willing to kill at any moment. As time passes, they will grow more desperate and more dangerous. And they may view RV campers as prime targets (for cash, supplies, vehicles, etc.).
My wife and I are currently camping in the West (ND, headed towards Wyoming). Until these criminals are caught, we’ll likely be steering clear of overnight boondocking at truck stops, etc. Of course there’s no way to predict whether one might encounter these people, but it’s better to play it safe. Hopefully we will hear news of the criminals being caught SOON. In the meantime, everyone must stay at high alert.
One of the news reports about the Hass murders is quoted as stating that they were on their way to Colorado to camp. [If this is so, wouldn’t they normally have taken New Mexico Route 84 the 40 miles north to Interstate 25, and then continued up into Colorado. This would have been the quickest and a very scenic way to go. Because the trailer was found BEYOND the exit for Route 84, however, this would suggest that they were already under the control of their assailants, possibly as they left Santa Rosa. This could then suggest that perhaps they stopped for fuel etc. in Santa Rosa, and this brings to mind the RV-friendly Love’s station at Santa Rosa (which has a dump station etc.) as being a place they may have filled up before intending to head north on 84. By then they had traveled about 400 miles from Oklahoma City. Perhaps they were assaulted at the Love’s station, and the assailants then drove them back west on Interstate 40, turning north to the remote area of the ranch, ten miles north of the Interstate. Just a thought. This is alrming for all RVers. These predators must be caught immediately.