We have hiked this trail many times, including every weekend this year thus far and many weekends from October through December. It is the ideal winter hiking trail as it is located on the sunny side of Taos Canyon, ten minutes from our home. It is also a strenuous climb so it is a terrific workout no matter how often we have done it. In addition, the intense sunshine and sparse tree cover mean it has much less snow and ice than many other trails in our Rocky Mountain community, thus it is easier to travail in the winter than most. These same qualities make it an unpleasant hike in the summer—it is sweltering hot and there is little relief from the intense sun. But in winter, it is a delight!
Now, it goes without saying that I would never do this if I were not extremely familiar with this trail. As I said we have hiked it together numerous times and it is one of the safest trails I could imagine. We arrived at the trailhead, I buckled on my small pack carrying our water and apple (Annie loves apples as much as I do and we agree there is no better snack on a hike!) and we set off.
I was immediately aware that I was noticing different things than when Terry and I have been on the trail together. For one thing, we are usually talking, which means I miss some of the less obvious scenery. For another, I am looking at him at times; today I have nowhere to look but at the natural beauty surrounding us. I was struck with a contemplative mood and found myself not talking much at all, even to Annie.
We were startled by a man approaching us from behind with a large male poodle who was very interested in playing with Annie, but was a bit intimidating, being more than twice her size. We moved on, hoping not to encounter them again. We reached the peak in record time, enjoyed our apple and ice water, then headed back down, encountering three separate single adults who are all accommodating when Annie asks to be petted, her little tail vibrating back and forth with delight.
We made it down to the trail head, again in record time, but it is a different experience hiking without my companion. I am alone, but for the dog, but in spite of that, the day is glorious, the hike invigorating and the views, spectacular. I also come away from this experience with a sense of accomplishment; I did not let my weekend alone deter me from enjoying an activity I very much wanted to do. I was filled with a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. Life is good. But I look forward to next weekend when Terry will accompany me once again.
Read more about New Mexico campgrounds and things to do in New Mexico.