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STOPPING CORROSION with Boeshield T-9 Drip Bottles

I’ve previously sung the praises of Boeshield T-9 (, the waterproof lubricant that offers such great protection against corrosion. I’ve been using the aerosol spray cans for years on our RV with excellent results. It has also worked wonders on our tools, bicycles, and other metal products that are vulnerable to corrosion. Boeshield is unique because it not only lubricates, it dries to a thin waxy finish – providing long term protective benefits. It was originally developed by the Boeing company for use with aircraft.

Recently I was introduced to small one ounce and four ounce drip bottles of Boeshield T-9 – and they are fantastic. In fact, I find the drip application to be surprisingly useful around the RV. Now when I go to apply a dose of Boeshield T-9, I’m more likely to grab a small bottle. Here’s why.

Size comparison. The four ounce drip bottles are the best deal. (Click the pic for more info.)

Often I’m applying Boeshield to tiny metal parts like screws, bolts, and so forth. For these applications, it makes sense to use a drip bottle instead of an aerosol can.

These drip bottles deliver the same outstanding product in a more precise and controlled fashion. There’s no overspray to worry about with these bottles, and thus no wasted product.

No wasted product! (Click the pic for more info.)

The drip bottles are quite small and thus convenient to carry. They easily fit in tiny storage spaces in my Ford F250 truck, and in the Airstream.

The smallest drip bottle is a one ounce job. The larger four ounce bottle is sold as “Bicycle Lubrication,” but it’s the same product. (The four ounce “Bicycle” lubricant is the best deal).

I’m a huge fan of the Boeshield T-9 product. While I love the traditional aerosol can (and it’s still the best choice for large jobs like scissor jacks, door hinges, etc.), these drip bottles are a great find. I intend to always keep both in our truck and RV.

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