Though no one likes thinking about theft, it’s a necessary part of any RVer’s pre-departure checklist. As RV travelers, we must think about protecting our RV and its contents. But, we must also remember to consider the safety of our home while away on RV trips.
A few tools, tips, and precautions can keep you, your family, and your most valuable possessions safe while on the road.
Safeguarding Your Home From Theft While You’re Away

Photo Credit: SimpliSafe
Before you depart and leave all of life’s worries behind, make sure your home is protected. According to a study by the Bureau of Justice Statistics, break-ins rise over 10% during the summer months as burglars expect people to be away.
It goes without saying, but make sure your house is secure before you roll out the driveway and off on your RV adventure. Ask your neighbor to keep an eye out and occasionally make sure everything is looking normal. Also ask them to remove any solicitations left on the porch, and collect your mail from your mailbox so it doesn’t show signs of an absent homeowner.

Photo Credit: SimpliSafe
For the best mix of value, monitoring, and ease of use, choose SimpliSafe to protect your home while you’re away. SimpliSafe is a robust DIY home security system that you can set up yourself in under an hour. Once monitoring is activated, SimpliSafe’s 24/7 home security professionals will handle looking after your home while you’re gone. A combination of cameras, entry sensors, water sensors, and temperature sensors allow you to check in on your home at any time, all from the convenience of an app on your smartphone*. SimpliSafe technology can even detect fires and water leaks, so you can rest easy knowing your home is protected against common hazards in addition to theft.
Safeguarding Your RV From Theft

Photo Credit: SimpliSafe
On the road, good RV security takes worry out of your travels. Thieves look for easy opportunities. Since RVs often have less sophisticated security than most homes, they make the perfect target.
Fortunately, just like there is theft deterrent equipment for your home, there are devices designed for RVs as well. These tools, coupled with a few smart practices, will deter crimes of opportunity.
Travel with a Friend
When you pull over to a rest stop on your way to your destination, be aware that remote places without high traffic are prime locations for thieves. If you need to stay overnight in a parking lot, park near light poles, near the entrance to the establishment (like a Walmart), and alongside other vehicles. It’s better to leave at least one person at the rig at all times. If you’re traveling alone, lock up before hitting the bathroom.
Many of us love camping for the isolation and quiet. Keep in mind, this is what burglars prefer, so opt to camp near others to be safe. Besides, one of the best parts of RVing is meeting new people and participating in the community. Introduce yourself to your neighbors. Offer to keep an eye on their site if they can return the favor.
Lock Up Your RV
Don’t totally let your guard down when you arrive at your destination. First, find out the emergency numbers for the park and area and enter them in your phone. When you start setting up camp, while uncommon, know that thieves can drive away with not only your valuables, but your trailer as well.
Leaving your trailer hitch unprotected is a common mistake. One of the most common ways RVs are stolen is for someone to simply attach a truck to your trailer and drive off. Though uncommon, this can happen. Whether you’re at the campground, or parking your RV on your property, consider how easily someone could hitch up and drive off. Invest in a hitch lock, or turn your camper around and put the hitch away from the standard access. Consider investing in a jockey wheel or trailer dolly to move it without using your tow vehicle.
Protect Your Valuables

Photo Credit: SimpliSafe
Eliminate any temptations around your camping site by keeping valuables out of site. Lock the doors and windows when you leave. Inside, you can build the system perfect for your home on wheels with SimpliSafe’s wireless components, easy to set up no matter the home.
SimpliSafe has a built-in cellular connection, so no WIFI is required to secure your RV 24/7 (camera products, however, do require WIFI). Good Sam Members get access to savings on SimpliSafe: order today to get a free HD security camera and 2 free months of 24/7 professional monitoring with the purchase of any new system.
Forgot to arm your system? Need to let someone in while you’re out on a hike? Operate your RV security system from your smartphone with one of their monitoring plans.
Be Preventative, Not Reactive
It’s easy to think that theft won’t happen to you. But it’s this mentality that can lull you into a false sense of security. By investing in the right tools, like SimpliSafe’s security systems, and being a smart, cautious traveler, we can all do our part in reducing theft and burglaries.
With SimpliSafe’s technology at work, your next RV vacation can be worry free.
(* with a monitoring plan)