I travel Mexico on a daily basis even though I’m currently in Ohio. How do I do it? By following the blog of Tioga and George. I also feel like I’ve made the RV trip to Alaska because of watching the Gundyville blog when they made the trip last summer.
From Gypsy Journal Rally |
Right now we’re at the Gypsy Journal Rally in Celina, Ohio. The rally is produced by Nick and Terry Russell, so you can bet that most of the 250+ people here follow Nick’s blog. We meet a lot of people at rallies with only a few minutes to say ‘Hello’ and ‘Where are you from?’ If they give me a blog address, I can then peruse it at my leisure – usually during those sleepless hours in the middle of the night. The next time I see them, I have some specific conversation starters. Here are some of the people you could meet if you were here:
Running Down our Dreams
Traveling USA
Trails of Serengeti
I really do believe that every RVer needs a blog! We live a lifestyle that so many people envy, it’s downright stingy not to share it! I’ve been keeping our Geeks on Tour Blog since April, 2003. I hope that people enjoy reading it, but I keep it for myself. I’ve always kept journals, and a blog is just the best way to do it these days. I find myself asking questions like, “Where did we spend Christmas in 2006?” I don’t remember – look it up in the blog! Or What was the name of that park where we stayed and visited the Stonehenge replica along the Columbia river gorge? I can go to our blog, type stonehenge into the search box and find the day that I wrote about it. If I’m ever feeling blue (it doesn’t happen often, but it does happens) all I have to do is browse thru some random archives in the blog and be amazed at all the places we’ve been and things we’ve seen and done. It’s a wonderful life!
If you’ve read this far and are asking, “what the heck *is* a blog anyway?” I’ll tell ya. First of all, the term is actually ‘weblog’, meaning a Log (journal) on the Web. It is a simple type of website meant just for dated entries, called ‘posts.’ The most recent post is always displayed at the top. As you scroll down, you will go back in time. If you want to go back further in time than what is displayed on the main page, you can navigate to any past date using the Archives. All this organization is handled for you automatically if you use one of the ‘Instant Publishing’ systems like Blogger or WordPress or Typepad. You don’t need to know anything about how to make websites, the Instant Publishing system does all the organizing and layout work for you. All you have to do is decide what you want to say! If you’d like to peruse other RVers blogs, there is a good listing of hundreds of them on HitchItch.com. We also have a list on GeeksOnTour/YourBlogs. If you have a blog, you can add it to this list.
I use Blogger, and that is what we teach in our Geeks on Tour seminars and videos. It is *so* easy I guarantee that anyone who listens to our 1 1/2 hour seminar (or watches the videos) will be able to make a blog in less than 15 minutes. We gave our seminar at the rally day before yesterday and -here are at least 3 new bloggers today:
Happy Highway Travelers
The Airville Robinsons
How much does Blogger cost? Zero, Zip, Nada. Unlimited storage and no advertising on your page unless it’s yours. It integrates well with other Google products like Picasa and Picasa Web Albums, Google Earth and Maps. If you’ve been thinking about making a blog but didn’t know where to start – check out Blogger.com. The free sample videos at Geeks on Tour will show you what to do.
Chris Guld