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Don't speed pass that vacant lot!

One thing I’ve done in my travels and full-timing is slow down and try and “smell the roses”. I have found so many things nearly free to do and see it’s been great. I finally got my anchor spot (seasonal site) and free to come and go. I took a deep breath and took the blinders off and it was amazing at what I saw.  I spent my whole career running red lights and sirens and 100 mph and realized it was time to slow down and enjoy the RV lifestyle and things that didn’t cost gobs of money. As I indicate in my books there is so much to do, see and enjoy for nearly nothing.

One example is what a ordinary vacant lot had to offer. This vacant lot was right behind my park. Well getting away from the keyboard and emails I was able to get my eyes readjusted to the real world! I took a walk and it’s amazing what am ordinary vacant lot can provide one. A vacant lot with a little rubble pile yielded quite a bit actually. It’s amazing what one might find in life if they just slow down a bit, take a deep breath and look around. This vacant lot had a lot to give. It yielded a bit of astonishing beauty actually……

A million dollar view of the ocean to the west…

An old flower planter that was revived with $2.50 worth of flowers and planting soil… They have really grown and has become very colorful and nice.

I had been eying this little red (used to be, now rust) lying among some other stuff and kept wondering, what can I do with that? I’m always brainstorming something. Well I asked the owner if they wanted it and they said no take it away! That I did. I then placed it strategically in front of my coach, filled it with potting soil and planted flowers in it. I also added a night time touch and put 2 of my solar lights in as well and it lights up the flowers at night. Also in this junk pile as some call it I found a little ceramic frog on a Lilly pad so included that too rather than it go to the dumpster. Nice accent to my site and didn’t cost me hardly anything. Amazing what you can do with an old rusted discarded wagon. I left it as is for that “antique look.  I can push it back under my overhang during heavy rains or like today when it lets up to showers I’ll pull it out to let it get some good old healthy rain water. The flowers have now really took off and are doing great!

All this for less than $10 and the million dollar view I got for free! Slow down in your travels, take a deep breath and don’t miss the little free things offered. Amazing what a peaceful walk through a vacant lot or any place can provide in your travels. In my books I’ve mentioned many things I’ve done, places and things to see which are free. My walk in the vacant lot provided a free entertaining afternoon along with a few nearly free projects!

Tony (aka Firedude)

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