Another Lug_Nut view. There are many casinos throughout the country, many of them welcome RV’ers to park and stay overnight. While there are non-RV friendly locations like Atlantic City and Reno, the majority have out the welcoming mat for these large rolling homes. Unfortunately their hospitality sometimes is abused by a small minority. These abuses have, and may lead to restrictions or even total RV parking bans. So what are these abuses and how can we stop or reduce them?
Aging RV’s that may not even be fit for the road are parked for extended periods of time, some appear not even occupied. Some of these derelict vehicles house mobile gypsies that have no intention of entering the online casino or its other facilities for the purpose of spending money. It’s just a place to park free.
A small percentage of RV’ers seem to believe it is okay to park there, disconnect their car, or trailer, and take off to go to other locations in the area. Some of them visit relatives throughout the day and use the site only to return and sleep. I have witnessed units being left unattended for several days as people must think it to be a handy storage site. Most of these abusers do not give the business establishment any return, they just take. One person I met that stayed several days in a casino parking lot, when asked if he had any luck, stated “They won’t get me in there, I’d rather spend my money elsewhere than give it to them.”
A number of RV’s that visit casinos, Wal-Marts and other free overnight parking locations insist on using their hydraulic jacks. Many times these are newbie’s that may not be unaware of the damage the jack pads can inflict on the asphalt. A little common sense can go a long way here, just don’t use your jacks.
Then there are the people that think the parking lot is a campsite. They are easy to spot. They have their camping chairs out, they are cooking on their bar-b-q and cocktail hour is in full swing. All of this in a parking facility provided for patrons of a business that offers, gaming, drink and food. What do they think, this is KOA Kasino?
Well, I guess it is easy to understand that if this minority keeps misusing this privilege, we will all one day lose it. So, be a good guest and appreciate the kind gesture of the establishment for allowing us to stay overnight. Don’t over stay your welcome. Stay a day or two only. Use their lot to enjoy their facility, not as a short term storage. Don’t use jacks on their lot surface and keep the outdoor living for campgrounds.
So, what do you think? Are you a user, or are you an abuser?
Appreciation of The Privilege – Lug_Nut – Peter Mercer