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Cooking Concepts plates review

On a beautiful spring day, my family and I decided to drive across the border for a little bit of shopping.   Living in Ottawa, ON we have the privilege to be about 40 minutes from the nearest border crossing in order to get into the USA.   So we packed the kids, brought our passports, and proceeded to go to Ogdensburg, NY that morning.   We occasionally do this trip in order to pick up some groceries and other little things.   Did you know that cheese is way less expensive in the US?   Have huge cheese lovers in the house make the trip itself necessary…

So that day, we had a few stop to do apart from the Wal-Mart (which isn’t a Superstore by the way).   One of the stop was the Dollar Tree where my husband was hoping to find some neat things for the kitchen in the RV.

We were in need of plates.  But we didn’t want to have ceramic plates because when you are driving well the shock might break them.  I know some people would put something between the plates and bowls but with six people in the family, we wanted to avoid extra expenses.   Many years ago, we got some camping plastic plates as a Christmas gift.   But the years went by, the plates were used quite a bit and somewhat got deformed when put in the microwave (and it was apparently microwavable).

So we were at the point to try to find some not so expensive plates that would do the trick.  It was very early in the spring season so we decided that we would test them out at home since the RV wasn’t opened yet.

My husband found exactly what he was looking for when exploring the kitchen aisle.   A pack of two plates which were microwavable from Cooking Concepts.   We bought a few of them (3 packs to be exact so the kids can participate in the testing) in order to test them out at home.

Once back home, we didn’t waste any minutes and washed the plates in order to use them for supper time.   We used them thoroughly for a whole week – including in the microwave.   The plates didn’t bend, curve or melted while using the microwave – which our previous plates quickly did…   We were impressed.  After a week, of using them we inspected them more thoroughly and found no marks from knives on them.    We quickly recognize that these plates would be perfect for the RV or for a picnic outdoors.

Knowing we hadn’t purchase enough plates, we swung by the Dollar Tree we had in Ottawa to see if they had the same product.  They did but here’s the twist – the price was slightly higher for some reason.   Knowing that at the time the Canadian dollar was almost at par with the US dollar, we figure it was worth it to purchase at the US store instead of the Canadian one.  When you purchase in larger quantities, you calculate to the penny.

Needless to say, we are pleased with our new plates which are now are at the trailer since we opened it last week.   We also learned an interesting lesson on prices at the same time.   Even though if we are in need for something that we know we can find at Dollar Tree and don’t plan a small trip on the other side of the border, we would more than likely go to the store next to home.

While at the store back in April, we also found some interested gadgets from Betty Crocker at the Dollar Tree like the silicone basting brush we got for the home and the RV.

If you want to find some quick things for the kitchen in your RV or for any other kind of need for your RV, I think that Dollar Tree can probably have what you are looking for.   Why spend a ton of money on silly things like plastic containers and whatnots when you can have something of good quality at Dollar Tree?    Have you visited the Dollar Tree near your place lately?  You might be surprise by what you can found in it!

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