by Chris Guld,
RV Rallies present major issues for Internet Access. Rarely is Wi-Fi provided throughout the rally grounds, and, when you try to use your Cellular provider for data, you may find it doesn’t work so well. That was our experience at the FMCA SE Area rally last week in Brooksville, FL. At times like these I wish we had our Satellite Dish back.
If you doubt that cell tower overload is a factor, check out this article on AT&Ts troubles due to all the iPhone users out there. Actually, this article has me a little worried about Verizon as well, once the Droid (Verizon’s answer to the iPhone) catches on. You see, once you have Internet browsing capabilities on your cell phone, you use it a lot more. When I use my phone to make a voice call, I’m on for 5 – 20 minutes. When Jim uses his new Droid to browse the web, he’s on for hours. Both usages connect to the Cellular Tower, but the data usage represents a quantum leap in loading the Tower’s connections.