Dan Parlow

Dan Parlow
Dan Parlow is a lawyer and president and co-founder of MyTripJournal Technologies Inc., allowing RVers and other travelers to set up online Trip Journals through a personal travel website at www.mytripjournal.com.

Dan also practices high-technology law at www.kmslawyers.com where he assists clients to negotiate and conclude high-tech contracts such as licensing agreements, affiliate and partnership agreements and end user, shrink-wrap and click-wrap agreements.

The Trip Journal service, intended to be “as easy to use as email”, was named by Forbes in 2006 as one of the “Best 13 Travel Sites on the Web”.
MyTripJournal provides its service, in custom-branded format, to visitors of RV.net, GoodSamClub.com, Woodalls.com, TrailerLifeDirectory.com, TravelingUSA.com, RoadTripAmerica.com and many other partners internationally.

Dan and his wife Faye have been avid RV, train & air travelers since they met in 1979, and test-drove the first MyTripJournal prototype in 2001. Dan’s first-ever RV adventure was a month-long trip through western Canada at the age of 11.

Dan can be reached at [email protected] or 604-331-8322.