OK. Don’t quit your job. Having said that, I gotta tell ya: Working online from your RV is the bomb! For those of you who’ve not raised teenagers in a decade, that means it’s really great.
I know there are other ways of earning income while RVing. You read about campground hosts, seasonal park workers, etc. For normal people, these may be great jobs. But for those among us, whose aim in life is to own bra-less wardrobes consisting of daytime pajamas and evening pajamas (with minor excursions into sweats for dress up), working online from the RV is heaven. Note: my husband is currently designing an RV toga to meet the alpha male’s need for fashionable comfort.
Anyway, now that you know you’ll not be seeing us strolling on any red carpets, let me defend our honor by stating we are moderately intelligent and are able to earn our livings online. My husband is an architectural designer, photographer and artist. I blog for three companies and am a writing tutor for college students in an online writing lab.
And what makes all this possible from our RV? Bingo…our Verizon Air Card. We get high-speed internet anyplace we get cell phone reception. Our card allows five people to use the internet simultaneously; a critical feature considering our teen son is getting his high school diploma online and my husband and I work online. As my son pointed out, he could earn his bachelor’s or master’s degrees online, traveling around the country. He’s right. Note: there are other air cards and hi-tech alternatives for internet access.
Two weeks ago folks strolled by our campsite in the Tonto National Forest (Usery Park, Mesa, Arizona…gotta check this place out or life ain’t worth living). They waved to me as I furiously pounded away on my keyboard under a giant saguaro surrounded by incredibly lush flora and scuttling fauna. Some may think it defeats the purpose to be so high tech out in the midst of God’s beautiful glory, but I figure He’s the one who gave me the gift of writing, so it must be OK.
If you have a skill or talent that can transfer to the internet, you might consider getting an air card and hitting the road. It works! Skyping, Go to Meeting.com, email, all of it. If working online from your RV is your dream but you don’t have an online skill, start positioning yourself. If you want to hang out in American’s national and state parks a lot more (doesn’t take any gas to hang out, now, does it?), and earn money from the safety and comfort of your RV, check out online skills that may interest you. You’ll need to do the research, possibly some training. It’s work to educate and reinvent yourself. If you want to do it, you can.
Being able to work from anywhere means one thing to me: freedom. What a joy and privilege it is to live in the United States of America where anyone can have a dream, discover what’s necessary to achieve it, then make it happen. So, what’s your dream?
Happy tales to you and yours, Patti