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Will you live your Dream looking out the backyard window?

From the desk of the Firedude

A reprint from 2005

I recently have gotten many private messages from those who are wanting to or considering full-timing. Some say it’s their dream. I thought I’d offer my take on it for those interested. Keep in mind it’s just my humble opinion and I honor everyone’s needs and opinion on the matter. This is just mine………………………….

The ‘ol Firedude is a simpleton I reckon. I worked my whole 33 year career as a firefighter, paying the mortgage, taxes, fighting with my mower and weed-eater and looking out my backyard window. I always had this dream over the years of selling out and full-timing in my RV. Of course these were just dreams of a man who ran 100 mph every day chasing sirens and red lights and beat himself up over his career narrowly escaping death on a few occasions and in the end winding up with a disabling injury. One that’s not obvious to an onlooker but nevertheless there and painful at times to say the least.

Towards the end of my career I began to have those “dreams” more often of full-timing. For several reasons I couldn’t keep the house AND live my dream. That wasn’t what really bothered me though. What really bothered me is I realized I would probably never live my dream at all. It was just a “picture” out my backyard window. I retired at 50 with all my health benefits paid for for life and had my health. Not rich money wise by anyone’s standards. I was looking out my backyard window one day and it hit me. I just worked most of my life and now it was time to retire from a career I loved more than anything in the world. Now it’s time to sit here and keep looking out my window and maintain this house because I might need it someday. I’ll just keep sitting here looking out my window and having my dream.

Nope I sold the house, bought my RV and began living my dream. I wasn’t about to sit there the rest of my life worrying about what might happen down the road or even when for that matter. I have met so many people who sat and looked out that window at their dreams and never did anything about it because what ifs. Those folks passed on and never lived their dream. Not for me.

When I get too old or due to health reasons I can’t travel anymore I’ll simply put the RV I have at that time in a park somewhere or sell it and rent or if the opportunity and means arise buy a small place. Pretty simply. I don’t want a house to maintain or even worry about having to sell to pay for medical expenses or a retirement facility. I don’t want the maintenance of such either.. If I can’t live in my RV any longer due to age or health I figure I’ll have to go into a care home anyway! Surely if I couldn’t live in my RV what would make me think I could handle a large home and everything to go with it??

My dad always told me, son when your dead you are gone a long time so do what you want and live your dreams the best you can. He’s right. I am living my dream and enjoying every minute of it and refuse to sit around worrying about tomorrow. It may never come. I hope the guy who bought my house looks out that rear window and sees his dream. I’m glad I’m not still there looking out that window dreaming. I’m living it now.

I know my outlook is not for everyone, it’s just the view of a old retired fire captain who had a dream and decided to live it. Everyone has their own needs and opinions on such. I just couldn’t sit there and look out that window at my dreams anymore and do nothing but leave a butt imprint in a recliner because I couldn’t afford to go anywhere or do anything. That’s not me..

If you have the means to keep your home or bank the money to buy one later and it works for you then great! My RV is my home. I love my home and enjoy my home. In my eyes it hasn’t depreciated. It’s MY home. In the meantime home is where I park it. Pretty simple stuff.

Money and material things used to come into play. Not anymore. A simple life and happiness are my priorities. Not worrying about tomorrow. If I spent all my time worrying about depreciation and appreciation I wouldn’t have time to live my dream!

I’m not sitting there looking out my backyard window dreaming. I’m on the outside looking back in and glad I decided to do what I did.

Whatever you do just don’t fail to live your dreams!! There isn’t a next time. There’s a million reasons and excuses not too. I almost got hung up in that scenario. If I did I’d still be sitting there looking out that window as time passed me by. I’ve never regretted it and haven’t looked back.

Living my dream I found a pot of gold.and an Adventure to boot. Incidentally my RV is not a toy as some may say, It’s my home and a comfortable one at that.

© 2008 Tony Cornett originally written 2-11-05

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