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Ways To Reduce Fuel Costs: Another View #2

This week is dedicated to “Ways To Save” while enjoying RV-ing. On that note, I have two blogs today.  Both focus on saving through the reduction of fuel costs.  One that really works, and one just to put a smile on your face.  I will leave it up to you as to which is which.

Some Great ways to reduce fuel consumption while enjoying the RV lifestyle.  These are called The Big Five Fuel Savings Tips.

#1)  If you tow a vehicle four down, remember to take it out of park! This great tip may not only help to increase your motor home’s fuel mileage, but it may also extend the life of the towed vehicle’s tires.

#2)  Plan all your destinations so you are always driving downhill. This is a real super idea, kind of makes you wonder why nobody thought of this.  Anyway, if you have any trouble figuring out where this could be done, just go back to that school you used to attend.  You know, the one you had to walk 5 miles to, uphill in both directions – and reverse that process.

#3)  Weight! Can’t forget, less weight, less fuel needed.  So, let’s get the lead out.  If you are travelling across country, you don’t want to be dragging dead weight.  So…..Have the spouse and kids go on their own and meet you at the final destination.  Don’t deny them the opportunity of seeing the country though.  Have them hitch hike.  Batteries are heavy and the house bank may have two or as many as eight.  You don’t need these until you arrive at your destination, so have the spouse and kids take those too.  That certainly is not asking much, as you are bringing everything else.

#4)  Pick destinations that have a motor home repair service facility nearby.  That way you can disable your engine temporarily, call Coach Net and get a free tow to that location.  Oh, one more thing.  Make sure you do this on a weekend.  That way, the repair facility will be closed.  After the tow truck leaves, enable your engine and drive into camp.  Wow, saving fuel can be fun!

#5)  When fueling up, stay alert.   While fueling your motor home many great cost reducing opportunities often present themselves.  If the guy filling up next to you goes to wash his windshield, grab his pump nozzle and stuff it in your tank.  Hello!  That’s why they put a fill port on each side of most diesel pushers.  Remember to watch and return it to his vehicle prior to him returning.

Note:  Please do not take any of this as serious.  Also do not attempt this at home.  We are specially trained and wear special equipment.  There were no animals injured during the writing of this.

Don’t miss reading “Ways To Reduce Fuel Costs: One Method”  #1  also posted today.

With Some Fuelish Ideas    –    Lug_Nut    –    Peter Mercer

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