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Water–the boondocker's weak link

By Bob Difley

Water. A natural resource without which we would all die, or at least have to leave our pristine-out-in-the-boonies-perfect-forested-by-a-stream-full-of-trout-while-elk-graze-nearby campsite. It usually turns out that the great campsite you found deep in the woods is also the one you don’t want to pack up and leave to replenish, restore, and the other chores necessary for boondocking. And potable (drinking) water is arguably the weak link in the boondockers chain.

If you never boondock for more than a day or two water does not occupy much of your thinking time, not even when you turn on the tap and clean, pure water runs into your glass. But as boondockers we usually find ourselves conserving every drop, reluctant to waste any, dreading the water pump’s dry sucking sound as the water tank reaches empty.

Here are some tips to conserve that precious resource so you might squeeze out another day in your idyllic campsite.

You can also increase your water supply in these ways:

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