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VIDEO: The Long Long Honeymoon … in Argentina!

There comes a time in every creative venture when the show must travel overseas. The Brady Bunch went to Hawaii. The Facts of Life went to Paris. And Steve Urkel? I guess Urkel never went anywhere, although I really wish he had done so. (He could have stayed for a long time.) So it only seems reasonable that The Long Long Honeymoon should continue in…


We´ve spent several enjoyable days here in Buenos Aires, getting our bearings straight. Buenos Aires is a sophisticated city. It´s not unlike Rome or Paris in terms of amenities, architecture, and cultural offerings. But it’s cheaper — a LOT cheaper.

The current exchange rate is quite favorable for dollar-toting Americans like myself. Every American dollar buys 3.4 Argentinian pesos, so you can stretch your cash a long way here.

Here´s a real world example: at dinner last night our bottle of wine cost 19 pesos. That’s about $5.50. And the wine was delicious.

This is a city that loves the night. Many restaurants don’t even open until 8:30PM, and they aren’t crowded until a couple of hours later. It’s the perfect honeymoon spot for night owls like us.

But there’s more to Argentina than inexpensive wine. And inexpensive steaks. And late night tango dances.

This is the 8th largest country on the planet. It’s got mountains, and prairies, and oceans white with foam. (Plagiarism alert!) It’s an incredibly diverse landscape that offers RV travel opportunities for the adventurous.

In our next installment of The Long Long Honeymoon in Argentina, we´ll be visiting a local RV rental house, and learning all about RV travel opportunities in this fabulous country. Then we will take a motorhome into the countryside and do some camping!

For the full story on RV camping in the Deeeeeeeeep South, check out our website: | Get hitched.


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