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Using your RV to survive in an earthquake or other natural disaster

By Bob Difley

The sudden shaking of my office, pens and paperclips skittering across the desk, and the rental motorhomes outside on the RV  lot dancing like it was a Saturday night beach party. As any Californian instantly comprehends–another earthquake!

Even after the worst of  Hurricane Katrina had passed over, when the levees broke, every New Orleans resident knew–we’re still in for a BIG problem.

Mid-western tornadoes ravish the land, stacking what were once homes into piles of kindling. But those who stared in disbelief at the devastation knew of the extreme difficulties that still lay ahead.

In each of these circumstances, thousands of people are left without a roof over their heads. In the earthquake my sister-in-law’s house was knocked completely off it’s foundation, red-tagged. The earthquake only took a minute to render five people–including two young children and a grandmother–homeless. For the next four days, their only option was to sleep in their cars. No bathroom, no shower, no cooking facilities. Have you ever stopped to think how a natural disaster of similar proportions would affect your life?

Having a mechanically maintained and fully stocked RV could make a huge difference in the quality of your life following such a disaster. But do you have the skills to live in your RV for an extended time without support such as the hookups you normally take for granted? Obtaining supplies–food, water, and electrical power–may be  impossible due to flooded roads, fallen or damaged bridges and highways,  supplies inaccessible due to damaged or closed stores, power supplies cut off, water mains broken.

As an RV owner, to assure that you will be prepared for emergencies only takes a bit of planning, and if you develop the habit following each camping trip, no extra effort. To be sure of your preparedness leave your RV in a ready-to-go state , rather than wait until your next trip.

In an earthquake disaster, don’t extend your levelers until the aftershocks have stopped. And lastly, hone your boondocking skills, so that you can live comfortably without outside support until services return and roads and power supplies are repaired.

Check out my eBook, BOONDOCKING: Finding the Perfect Campsite on America’s Public Lands, to learn more about camping without hookups and other boondocking skills that could serve you well in a disaster.

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