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TripJournal Feeds follow Destination-Specific Content

RSS feeds for some 2,900 destinations were recently released in the MyTripJournal system, allowing you to subscribe to real travelers’ Trip Journal entries specific to say, Grand Canyon National Park, Las Vegas or Atlantic Canada. Subscribing is easy and free, and can be done from Good Sam Club’s ‘Explore’ pages or similar pages on or its partner sites.

What do the feeds consist of?

These feeds are a simple way for people to follow frequently updated content. In this case, we aggregate the Trip Journal entries of many different travelers keeping Trip Journals for a common destination. Journal entries must meet specified rules to be included: for instance, entries must be on public journals, contain content of a certain length and include a map point within the relevant RSS area.

Each feed begins with the title and a snippet of the relevant entry article. Entries are then sorted with the most recent at the top . Here is the most current content from the Grand Canyon feed. Click on the title of any Entry that is enticing, to see the full article and associated photos, videos and a link back to the traveler’s Trip Journal homepage:

Which feeds will Trip Journal entries appear in?

Provided they have qualified content (see above), Trip Journal entries appear in any feeds which cover a relevant region, city or park. For instance, Grand Canyon entries will be included in the feeds for Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, and Southwestern USA.

How do I subscribe?

1. Visit Good Sam Club’s ‘Explore’ page or similar pages on or our partner sites, including those listed below.

2. Select the region, city or park that interests you.

3. Click on the RSS button.

4. Drag or copy the resulting URL from y0ur address bar to your News Reader. If you don’t have one, you can download a News Reader for free from Google, Yahoo or other news readers such as those listed here.

How often will I be notified of fresh content?

Depending on the region, city or park you select and your News Reader’s settings, new Trip Journal entries may be added to your feed as often as once daily. New content will be listed at the top with older content falling off the bottom.

Dan Parlow
Personal Travel Websites by RV.Net ; Online Travel Journals by ; Explore Good Sam Club Trip Journals ; Woodalls Trip Journals ; Travel Journals by Trailer Life Directory ; Traveling USA Travel Blogs

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