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Tires Follow-Up and Life in Death Valley

By the Never-Bored RVers

Apparently the Comments section was turned off for our blog article about tires three days ago [].  At least we’ve received e-mailed comments about that.  Hopefully it will be working now, so I welcome your comments about tires.

 Before you go off-line, I invite you to check out www.deathvalley49ers.orgEncampment Days are winding down now, and once again we’re able to prove why we’re “never-bored.”  It’s a wonderful experience being among thousands of happy folks, listening to top-notch entertainers (including Belinda Gail at left); visiting with excellent artists and craftspeople; and seeing and experiencing Death Valley.  All this is built around the rich, often bone-chilling history of mining and death in Death Valley, brought to life in films and talks.

I’m sure there are more stars visible from here than anywhere else on Earth.

This year, there is 5-bar cellphone service just about everywhere around this forsaken land, with internet service available at the Death Valley National Park Visitors Center.  The huge overflow parking lot has been covered with crushed gravel, and the skies are not cloudy all day….

So much to see and do.  The events and the music that start at early-morning breakfasts don’t stop until 9 or 10 at night.  The cost of all this is reasonable, with your required membership in the Death Valley 49ers organization tax-deductible.

Put it on your calendar for next year, the 62nd encampment, November 9-13, 2011.  A NOTE:  I suggest you start your wagontrain westward early to get a prime parking spot. 

From ol’ Dusty and Sweet Monique, the “Never-Bored RVers,” We’ll see you on down the road.

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