Why wait to retire to begin traveling full time? Get out of the rat race and experience an incredible adventure while you still can. Depending on your chosen line of work, there are many professions that lend themselves to a lifestyle of living on the road in an RV. We like to say we are going to work and travel “until we can no longer climb the steps up into the RV” to enjoy the best that both worlds have to offer.
Already this year we’ve seen work campers of all descriptions along our travel routes from Florida to Texas to California. While some work campers stay put longer than we do, Americans have discovered it is much more comfortable to take your “home” with you to short term worksites no matter what line of work you choose. Providing a consistent kitchen, bath and bed, this predictable home structure lends itself to a feeling of being connected to familiarity in your life regardless of what new view is outside your RV or camper. Park owners welcome the dependable income these workers provide while still accommodating those of us who stay for only a day or two.
Sales, writing, photography, and evaluation of RV park amenities, physical condition and attributes are what my husband and I have found to do, but there are innumerable opportunities out there if you are willing to do some research while mixing some flexibility into your search. The main thing is to find something you like to do and make it happen on the road. It is amazing what other travelers can teach you about different opportunities they have experienced out there on the road that await your investigation also.
Working on the road does require self-discipline. You have to stay focused, regimented and keep working away on things, regardless of location. Sometimes you have to ignore that beautiful beach or lovely restaurant until you have accomplished the day’s goals and then reward yourself! Nor be afraid to consider doing this on your own. Traveling alone forces you to get outside, talk to people and make friends while focusing on your task the rest of the time.
One of the bigger obstacles we have faced is acquiring Wi-Fi service. Spoiled by infinitely faster cable service at home, we do miss its benefits. However, a hotspot from a major cell phone vendor or occasionally great service at a campground takes care of most business needs. Public libraries or the occasional coffee house or Internet café are another great source for fast Wi-Fi. Even our “smart” cell phones can accommodate many web and email needs.
Because of limited space, we use a combined, all-in-one printer/fax/scanner/copier. There are a variety of stackable storage containers with locking lids in all sizes for storing every thing from hanging files to paper clips and rubber bands. The trick is to allocate someplace in the RV for your “office stuff” if your business has a need for such things (and unfortunately most do!) We have a great kitchen table that becomes a desk when we are working and then we use TV trays or the outside picnic table for eating meals when the weather permits.
If you have ever dreamed of working on the road, you can achieve it. Just go for it!