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Time for a break

Wow!  The blog has been up for over a month now and if you have been following my posts, your brain may be spinning.  Trying to learn a new subject can be challenging.  I know I get headaches when I try too hard on some problems I work on.  So, today, let’s stop and smell the roses.

Ok, so my rose is spinning too!!  Can’t get away from it.  Actually, it’s kinda hard to smell the rose when we are in the dead of winter and those of us who still work for a living are stuck where we are,  instead of being able to go someplace warm.  Since I live in northeast Ohio, this is particularly oppressing to me.  I was thinking that I would much rather be able to write a blog on full timing, except I’m not a full timer…….yet!!!  Sooooooo here we are working our way through electrical theory, one step at a time.

Better idea??  Grab a great big dish of genuine vanilla ice cream, drizzle some chocolate syrup on it, cover it with whipped cream and pig out!!!  Ok, break’s over.  Next time it’s back to work with a discussion on electrical circuits.  Hope to see you here.

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