Louisville is known for being the home of Muhammad Ali, Diane Sawyer, Lance Burton, and Hunter S. Thompson, but the talent doesn’t stop there. The Rally, taking place July 22-25, is the largest RV event of the year, and it will showcase not only the talented likes of Bob Newhart & Tanya Tucker but also the remarkable skills of its talented guests.
The Rally is inviting all interested guests to pre-register for the show by submitting a video to www.youtube.com/channel/rallysgottalent.
Acts that pass the first round of judging will be asked to audition at the show, and finalists will perform Sunday evening in front of a live audience. So dust off your tap shoes, practice your routine, and submit your talent today!
For more information about “The Rally’s Got Talent,” visit http://therally.com/events/the-rallys-got-talent/.