First, it can be very costly. Fares in the hundreds of dollars may be experienced on some routes. For an example, a Class A coach towing a car may result in a $300 or more fee to traverse to Vancouver Island from the Canadian or Washington U.S. mainland. And that’s just one way!
Next, there may be challenges with ground clearance as you drive from the dock onto the ship. This involves possibly contacting the decking of the loading ramp. The chances of encountering this is largely dependent on the departure angle of your RV’s chassis and, of course, the apparent angle of the loading ramp.
The departure angle of your rig is the angle in degrees of your rear tire ground contact to the rear-most low point of the RV. This is typically the trailer hitch or bumper. Generally, many large gasoline powered Class A and C coaches that have a great distance from the rear-most wheel to the back of the vehicle are most susceptible. However, if you drive very slowly during the loading process, you will normally board without any damage.
Maneuvering in the tight quarters is not difficult, providing you take your time. Pay attention to the deckhands, as they will direct you to where they want you to park. They will, in many cases, chock your wheels once you have parked and applied the brakes.
Some ferry services allow you to stay in your RV if you wish, while others may not permit it. Either way, it can be a great experience and a fun ride.
Travelling to an island with your RV can be very rewarding. Campgrounds and attractions that can only be reached by ferry travel may be less visited and very exciting. The romance of visiting remote far off places can be felt in some of these over-the-water destinations. This, in its self, can make it worth the money.
So, extend your destination plans to include some not-so traveled paths. Follow the rainbows end to that distant enchanting island you have always wondered about.
Peter Mercer – Just Floating The Idea