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RVing… Not Just For Rednecks Anymore

Have you seen or heard any of these RV quotes by comedian Jeff Foxworthy?

— “If your RV is bigger than your house… you might be a redneck.”
— “If you’ve ever taken out a mortgage on an RV… you might be a redneck.”
— “If you own a house that is mobile, and 5 cars that are not… you might be a redneck.”

Laugh if you will, at the fun poked at us. But I’ll be the first one to tell you – RVing sure has changed! Today, there are over 8 million RV households in the U.S. (not to mention all those Canadian RVers, eh?), and RVers are becoming more and more affluent. In fact, according to the RV Industry Association (, the typical RV owner is age 49, married, owns a home and has an annual household income of $68,000.

RVs are not what they used to be either. If you’ve attended an RV show in the last few years, you undoubtedly enjoyed touring enormous class A’s and fifth wheels, many with granite counter tops, two bathrooms, a washing machine and dryer, and leather seats! And “trailer parks” aren’t what they used to be either. Many privately owned campgrounds are now camping resorts, featuring full amenities such as 5 star restaurants and heated pools.

rvtshirtRVIA estimates that by 2010, RVs will be owned by 8.5 million households. So here’s a tip… if you’re one of those 8.5 million households who enjoys RVing and who is NOT a redneck, you can sport it by wearing this cool t-shirt we just came across – “RV’s: Not just for rednecks anymore“, by Zazzle.

P.S. If you have seen any cool RV t-shirts, leave us a comment below telling us what they said or where they can be found! We’d love to hear about them.

Also, if you’d like to order merchandise like polo shirts, t-shirts, hats or travel mugs, you can purchase them at They make great gifts for fellow RVers!

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