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Healthy Road Tripping: Rest Stop Recharges

Woman stretches on the side of a Class B camper

Rolling along in the RV can be such a pleasant and relaxing experience. There’s nowhere else you need to be in that moment; nothing else you need to be doing. You can just sit there, soak up the scenery, and enjoy the adventure of it all. But rest stops are vital for health.

Sitting for long stretches on driving days can wreak havoc on your body, which can handle sitting only for so long before you start experiencing some unwelcome effects: metabolism and circulation slow down, making you susceptible for raised blood sugar levels, fluid pooling in the lower legs, and general inflammation and soreness, too. To combat this, follow the FitRV’s ‘Rest Stop Recharge’ rule: On long driving days, stop every 1-2 hours of driving. During the stop, get 15 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity before getting back on the road.

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Make Your Rest Stop Recharges Fun!

Plan your stops before you even hit the road. You can use either travel books or websites like Roadside America or Roadtrippers to find unique roadside attractions along your route. You’ll also find some Pilot Flying J Travel Plazas. Having an itinerary of fun and frequent stops already planned out makes the drive feel more like part of the vacation and gets you out of that “must hurry and get there” mindset. You’ll stop at your pre-planned attraction, see something interesting, and then do your 15 minutes of physical activity right there as well.

Recharge Exercises Your Body Will Thank You For

There’s nothing like a brisk walk to clear your head, boost your circulation, and get you recharged and back on the road again. Besides walking, you can also focus on bodyweight tasks like lunge-walking, calf raises, and squats. You can use your RV, too! Try some wall pushups or side plank crunches using the RV for your wall.

Sure, you may get some funny looks at the rest stop but anything you can do that benefits our health is worth it. Next time you’re on a long drive, give Rest Stop Recharges a try! By the end of the drive you’ll feel more energized, less achy, and ready to let your adventures begin.






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