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Rain? Wind? Heat? What clothes to bring for summer camping

Summer camping fun includes fishing and canoeing

I will tell you right up front, I can predict what the weather will be for your summer camping trip. It is important to know this so you know what clothes to bring for summer camping. Will it rain, or be foggy? How about wind? Will it be muggy hot in the afternoon but with a teeth-chattering morning chill?

My prediction to these questions is: Yes – to all. In fact, this prediction would also apply to what to bring to summer camp besides clothes since the weather – and its unpredictability – will determine what activities to pursue.

But first, the clothes. Other than bringing along your entire wardrobe, a well-planned  camping trip will include what you need but will not take up valuable space with what you don’t.

After you have packed these basics, you could add a few extras (socks, tank tops, underwear) or favorite items if you still have room.

And here is a check list for what to bring for summer camp besides clothes.

After you have packed all the necessities make a list of all the other things you would like to take, then prioritize them. Start packing with the first item on the list and work down until you run out of storage room.

And last but not least, stay safe, and have fun.

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