This is the 21st in a continuing series about our trip through Canada to Alaska
There are all kinds of ways of to enjoy your trip through Canada and into Alaska, much of it governed by finances and time constraints. By being part of a caravan that includes excursions of all sorts, we have seen things we would have never signed up for if we thought about cost. Those excursions were paid for as part of the charge to join the group.
And, when it’s a free day, like today, we see other sights of wonder. Yesterday at Seward, we first visited the Alaska SeaLife Center and then we boarded the Star of the Northwest tour boat for a cruise around Resurrection Bay. Here are a few photos from those two caravan-scheduled trips.
Visiting Sea Lions at the Alaska SeaLife Center
Sea LionKing, left, and Eaglet on the Rocks
According to the skipper of our boat, the sighting of the whale was fortunate, but the performance put on by the humpback whale was a first for him. At the beginning, the whale showed his back above the bay and then went under for a few minutes. All of a sudden, he came up out of the water (breaching) and fell back. One pectoral fin above the waves, then another, back and forth, waving to us. Then another few breaches, a few shows of his tail (flukes), and he was gone. But wait … he resurfaced and bid us goodbye with a wave of his fin. Monique, who has been to Hawaii several times, where seeing whales is a normal daily event, has never seen antics like this.
Resurrection Bay
Today we were on our own, and despite being in the throes of a cold that has me coughing and sniffling and despite our being engulfed in gloomy weather, we headed out for a relatively easy hike up to Exit Glacier. Somehow the Sun knew we would appreciate seeing the glacier in bright light, so the clouds parted for a few minutes.
Marco Moriarity was visiting Exit Glacier with parents Tom and Monica from Minnesota. Marco, whose Siberia Yupak name is Esla, was born in Nome and adopted by the Moriaritys five years ago. They have returned so he can stay in touch with his native land.
Tom said Marco has adapted well to his life in Minnesota, where he plays hockey, is a Boy Scout and on the school archery team. More photos from today:
The Exit Glacier has Receded Miles in the Past 100 Years
Holes in the Glacier Show Off Her Beauty in Blue
Monique and I often get into conversations with locals and tourists we meet in our travels. We consider it to be a real enrichment of our lives on the road. My advice on doing this is to ask and listen. Sometimes the talk is about RV rigs and places to visit, but every now and then we strike gold by hearing great stories about why the people are there. No long-term relationships, just interesting stories.
Before closing this edition, I want to give a special thank you. I, Barry, am a writer and photographer. So many of these articles are in the first person singular. But please understand, much of the quality of these blogs can be attributed to Monique, a wise editor, who often asks, “Why did you put that in the article. It doesn’t belong there.” She wins approximately 93 percent of the time. So, on behalf of the readers of this series, “Thank you, Monique.”
From the “Never-Bored RVers,” We’ll see you on down the road.
P.S. If the lack of Medicare doctors in Alaska is of concern to you, I strongly suggest you read the comments to the article that ran previously. Lynne has covered the subject well and others have added to the discussion.