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Montezuma’s revenge, the trots, or simply – Diarrhea.

What made me think about it was a recent camping trip, a group of friends that like to ride motorcycles went down to Johnstown PA to go to a motorcycle rally called “Thunder in the Valley “. If you were there and were looking for the big tough, mean looking bikers. . . That wasn’t us! We had fun but one of our members had a spell of Diarrhea and missed most of the event that he had taken time off from work, driven far to attend and was looking forward to. This sounds like most of the camping trips we all take and who wants them ruined? How can you keep this from happening to you?

Well, first off what can cause diarrhea? The problem is that many, many things can cause diarrhea. The main ones we hear about tend to be the not most common; for example, for every case of severe diarrhea caused by E Coli bacteria or Giardia lamblia, there are hundreds of cases caused by other means. Both of these are spread by direct fecal contamination, especially of food or water, as are other bacterial or protozoan causes. Some other very simple causes can be reaction to the chemicals used to purify water (if you are not used to them or the amount used), change in diet, viral infections, or chronic diseases such as Crohn’s Disease.

But what can we do to prevent Diarrhea in most cases?

These things will go a long ways towards preventing most cases of Diarrhea! But, what can you do once you have it?

Danger signs of Diarrhea or when you should go seek medical attention.

Hopefully, if you have managed to continue reading this long, you can prevent diarrhea from ruining your future camping trips and avoid the pain, discomfort and often embarrassment of this common illness.

I wish to apologize to my readers for my absence for a few weeks. I was camping, and working and building a porch for my mother and a hundred and one other things that go along with life. Somewhere along with all this, the blog got put on the back burner. But I am back.

Your Obedient Servant,

Gary Smith, Jr.

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