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Life’s Seasons

Have you ever had one of those days?  When it feels like everything that could possibly go wrong, goes wrong?  And no matter how hard you try to turn it around, it just keeps going downhill?  This has been the story of my life recently.

From the moment I woke up and realized I had overslept, I should have just called in sick and said “forget it!”  Instead I went to work and got some incredible life-changing news.  Rather than coming home and going straight for the bottle or chocolate (like many women I know would), I chose to take a nice long run.  For me, a long run used to entail 6+ miles, nowadays it means more like a measly 2-3 miles, if I’m lucky.

With the baby in the Bob jogger and daughter on the bike that connects to my husband’s bike, we all went out to burn some calories, have some quality outdoor time together, and even hit the park on the way home.  This evening’s weather was mirroring my mood in the most remarkable way: complete with dark, threatening clouds overhead and a chilly wind blowing in off the ocean.  It felt good to relieve some stress and underlying tension in the most natural of ways: through intense, heart-pounding exercise.

You may be asking why I am writing this right now.  My reason for you is that, even on your worst days, it is always worth it to take a break and go out outside and just breathe in the fresh air and maybe even burn some calories while you’re at it.  My goal is to not let this day stop me; instead, I hope it propels me forward into the next adventure of what awaits me on this fantastic roller coaster called life.  With each season comes change; I aim to embrace this change and make the most of this next chapter in my life.

Onward thinking, we plan to RV-it-up, go on more backpacking adventures, and just make the most of each new day as it comes!  Stay tuned…

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