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Heat Your RV with Propane WITHOUT Using Electricity

As winter rolls in, we’re always on the lookout for better ways to keep our RV warm. The Camco Olympian Wave Heater ( merits special attention. This is a propane powered radiant heater that’s designed for use inside an RV. Olympian Wave heaters can be wall mounted, or left standing and used as portable space heaters.

3000 BTUs of safe propane powered heat.

3000 BTUs of safe propane powered heat.

These heaters are available in 3000 BTU, 6000 BTU, and 8000 BTU variants. This heat output will heat anywhere from 130 to 290 square feet of interior space.

Olympian Wave heaters are powered by propane and use no electricity. With an Olympian Wave heater there’s no battery drain whatsoever. (This is a nice contrast to our Airstream heat furnace which drains battery with every use.) Thus, they are ideal for boondocking and dry camping.

3000 BTUs is good. 6000? Twice as good! (Click the pic for more info.)

3000 BTUs is good. 6000? Twice as good! (Click the pic for more info.)

Olympian Wave heaters are silent. There is no fan or blower noise. Due to the double platinum heating element, there is no significant production of carbon monoxide or other harmful waste gases.

These heaters radiate heat directly to people and RV interiors without heating the air first, so warmth is felt immediately. Radiant heat is often compared to solar heat, since it’s the same type of heat generated by the sun.

The Mac Daddy! 8000 BTUs of warmth.

The Mac Daddy! 8000 BTUs of warmth. (Click the pic for more info.)

They can be used as a primary or secondary heat source. In other words, you could have a second heat source combined with the Olympian. On especially cold days, it’s nice to have two heat sources going.

Every Olympian Wave heater has a 100% safety shutoff valve.

Olympian Wave heaters require a fresh air supply, so you need to keep a window cracked open during use.

If you are planning a permanent interior installation, the company recommends you get a pro to handle the job.

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