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Heat Stroke…it isn't just for the elderly.

Last week we talked about Heat exhaustion, and I recieved some private messages that went something along the lines of well this is an old folks’ problem, so I don’t have to worry about it. Sorry devoted readers, what I was trying to express was that the very young and the older/out of shape people are more at risk, BUT young and health people can easily suffer from it, too. All it takes is to start to deplete the body’s store of fluids and electrolytes and not be able to properly cool the body either because of heat and humidity or physical activity.

Today, we are going to go beyond heat exhaustion and talk about Heat Stroke. Remember, with heat exhaustion, the body, if replenished with fluids and electrolytes and cooled, could recover itself. Heat Stroke has gone beyond that. Often the body can not recover on its own and is not able to cool on it’s own either. True Heat stroke victims have lost the ability to sweat; they may still be clammy but are not sweating, and the body’s temperature is climbing rapidly to dangerous levels. But to learn more, let’s follow the continued below link ….

First off, Heat stroke begins the same way as heat cramps and heat stroke, usually not enough fluid intake and high temperatures or heavy activity that the body is not used to (can you say trying to keep up to the kids on their bikes, when you haven’t been on yours since last year?).

The same sort of people are more prone to it, the very young and elderly (not very good heat regulators), obese, people with renal problems, those that have been drinking alcohol and those that take some medications.

Signs and symptoms:

Now what to do about Heat Stroke!

So, to make your summer camping trips and activities more fun and safer, learn the warning signs of heat exhaustion, heat stroke. Drink plenty of fluids and relax, take things a little slower. This is to be a fun hobby. If you find yourself thinking that this is harder to do than you like, either slow up or find something else to do! That being said, a daily walk, if your doctor says it is ok, is a great way to help get into shape and feel better!

Your Obedient Servant,

Gary Smith, Jr.

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