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Good Sam Roadside Assistance Now Offers Caller Locator Technology

Good Sam members travel far and wide, often to remote and unfamiliar places. This is one reason why owning an RV is so wonderful – but it can be worrisome if you experience a roadside emergency. Many Roadside Assistance members don’t know exactly where they are when they break down in these unfamiliar places. And when out on the open road, in less populated areas, or where road markers and points of interest are few and far between, describing your breakdown location can be challenging. With ordinary roadside assistance, not knowing your location could make it difficult to get the assistance you need as fast as possible.

But now, with a new Caller Locator technology developed by Technocom, Good Sam Roadside Assistance members can take the road less traveled with less worry. Caller Locator utilizes the latest in Global Positioning System (GPS) technology to quickly and accurately pinpoint a Good Sam Roadside Assistance member’s disablement location in just a few seconds.  Mark Kupper, VP/General Manager of Good Sam Roadside Assistance, adds, “With this technology, our dispatch center can easily identify a member’s location, whether they are calling from a traditional landline, standard cell phone or smart phone. This eliminates a lot of stress from the customer experience and helps us get them the help they need faster.”

By integrating this Caller Locator technology with our industry-leading, 24-hour-a-day dispatch service, a dispatch representative will see a member’s disablement location when the call reaches them; this allows us to quickly and accurately locate the disablement location – so we can get you the help you need, fast.  “Automated caller location reduces time in-call and the anxiety of describing where you are. Good Sam members can now get assistance faster and more reliably than ever before,” says Mario Proietti, CEO of TechnoCom. “There’s no application or special phone required, and it works simply by placing a call to Good Sam Roadside Assistance.”

No other roadside assistance provider is equipped to handle your RV-specific needs, and no other provider can offer comparable value that includes Caller Locator benefits. Don’t get caught in the middle of nowhere without the best assistance at your side – Good Sam Roadside Assistance – Your 24/7, 360 degree backup plan.

Learn More About Good Sam Roadside Assistance

The Caller Locator service is currently available to callers on the AT&T, Sprint and Verizon networks. Service for additional wireless carriers will be coming soon. Location accuracy and reliability varies based on the caller’s wireless carrier network, cell phone capabilities and local environment. The full accuracy of GPS location may not be available for calls from Verizon subscribers and those with pre-paid calling plans. Location service availability depends on having coverage from your serving carrier’s network and may not be available if you are roaming or experiencing other service issues at the time of the call.  For other terms and conditions see

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